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THX Sound System.help
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THX Sound System v1.27
live coding at The Party VI (although there were no requests :-)
We've tried to make the editor most comfortably to use, which means that
we're using the same keymap and track format as ProTracker does. Short
overview of the keymap (if you need further help, read the ProTracker doc!)
Now using CIA, and there are no more audio-hardware problems (since v1.00)!
Editor Shortcuts (same as in ProTracker):
R-ALT: Play Song
R-AMIGA: Play Position
R-SHIFT: Record Position (**NEW in v1.00**)
Space: Switch between edit/non-edit mode or stop playing
Note-Keymap: Same as in ProTracker
F1-F5: Select current octave (note: we're using >5< octaves,
be careful to use octave 1 and 2, mostly use 3 or 4!)
F6-F10: Jump to e.g. Note 0, 16, 32, 48, 63 (if TrackLength = 64)
Tab: Jump to next Voice (using with Left-Alt: jump to Note-Column)
also to use with shift (backwards moving) and control
(keep voice, but jump to Note-Column!)
L-ALT & YXCV: Toggle Voices 0-3 on/off (or use one of the 4 gadgets!)
Del: Delete Note&CMD, only Note or only CMD (use Left-Alt/Shift)
L-SHIFT & Ret: Insert Empty Note&CMD/Position at current step/position
L-SHIFT & BKSPC: Drag Note&CMD/Position one step/position up
CONTROL & Ret: Insert Empty CMD at current step (also instrument editor!)
CONTROL & BKSPC: Drag CMD one step up (also instrument editor!)
Del (Keypad): Delete current Instrument
CTRL-M: Toggle Multi On/Off! The order can be set in further releases
CTRL-Left/Right: Instrument up/down
ALT-Left/Right: Track up/down
<: (Key right to the left Shift) Kill Voices but don't switch
editmode/testmode in opposition to SPACE.
L-ALT & F4: Copy instrument to buffer *only new in doc-sorry*
L-ALT & F5: Paste buffer to current instrument *only new in doc-sorry*
CTRL & B/C/V/I: Mark/Copy/Paste/Insert in Pos. Ed *only new in doc-sorry*
Mark/Copy/Paste/Insert in Track Ed
SHIFT & F3/F4/F5:Cut/Copy/Paste Track
CTRL & F3/F4/F5: Cut/Copy/Paste Track-Commands only
CTRL-T: Swap Voices (posed/tracked) see pt!
CTRL-0 to 9 Editskip (posed/tracked) seperate handled! (no display as
in pt, sorry!)
(L-ALT &) -/+/= Copy down command w/ or w/o increasing/decreasing (100% pt,
the 3 keys left to BKSPC!-you may leave out the l-alt
when you're not in the note-field!)
NEW (only new in the doc!): keep lshift or lalt down in combination with
the arrow keys to speed up scrolling, just like in pt... just check it out!
Alt-F4/F5 and CTRL-B/C/V/I worked all the time, but just weren't mentioned
in the doc, sorry fellows!
Own keys:
L-Amiga+A: About THX Sound System (MPEG anims ruule! ??)
L-Amiga+Q: Quit THX Sound System (keyboard shortcut works now)
L-Amiga+L: Load THX-Module
L-Amiga+S: Save THX-Module
L-Amiga+C: Clear ALL/Tracks/Pos/Ins of current Module
Esc: Switch between Main Screen and Instrument Editor=INS/MAIN gadget)
Return: NOT the keypad one! Used to switch between Position/Track Ed.
CTRL-Up/Down: Inc/Dec Position in Positioned. while cursor's in tracked!
Selecting Instruments:
There are 63 instruments to use in any THX-Module. THX-Instruments can also
be loaded/saved using the Instruments-menu in the main screen (sorry, this
option will also be included in the Instrument-Editor screen, LOAD gadget
is NOT implemented yet, so use the main-menu.. sorry guys...)
Press CTRL and Left or Right to increase/decrease current Instrument
Press 0-9 on the Keypad to enter the lower digit of the instrument.
Press Enter on the Keypad and then 0-9 to enter the upper digit.
Example: Enter+2+7 will select instrument 27
+3 will select instrument 23
Enter+0 will select instrument 03
+7 will select instrument 07, hope you got it ?!
-NOTE: I will probably include an option that you can select your instruments
PR-like, so don't worry! but tell me your opinion about that via email!
Do you really need that? write me!!
One Instrument consists of:
Instrument Volume 0-64 Volume, need i tell more?
Wavelength 4-80 $4,$8,$10,$20,$40 or $80: Wavelength in bytes
the lower the value, the higher the instrument
Mostly $40 or $80, 4 would be too high...
Slide Yet unused
Attack (Frames) 1-255 Number of frames (1/50 seconds) for attacking
Attack Volume 0-64 to Attack Volume
Decay (Frames) 1-255 Number of frames (1/50 seconds) for decaying
Decay Volume 0-64 to Decay Volume
Sustain (Frames) 1-255 Number of frames (1/50 seconds) for sustain
Release (Frames) 1-255 Number of frames (1/50 seconds) for releasing
Release Volume 0-64 to Release Volume
Delay 0-255 Delay until Vibrato starts (in 1/50 secs.)
Depth 0-15 0=No Vibrato, else Depth of Vibrato
Speed 0-63 Speed of Vibrato (higher->faster vibr)
Lower Limit 0-63 Lower Limit of Square Modulation
Upper Limit 0-63 Upper Limit of Square Modulation
Speed 0-255 Speed in 1/50 seconds
e.g. 4 means that every 4th. frame 1
modulation takes place
Lower Limit should be less than Upper Limit!!!! if you start modulation,
your modulation start value should be IN this range! (This may be fixed
in another version...)
Speed 1-255 Speed like speed in the tracks (Fxx cmd!)
but here for the Performance List
may be changed in perfList also with Fxx
Length 0-255 Length of Performance List
000 C-1 o 3 320 000
001 --- o 0 000 000
002 --- o 0 000 000
003 --- o 0 000 000
004 --- o 0 000 000
this would be a simple square wave with the relation $20:$20 indicated by
320, 3 is the cmd, 20 the parameter... C-1 with the UNfilled sign
/\ means that the C-1 is not fixed, relative to what you play in the tracks.
\/ if you play E-3 in the track, then it will be a E-3, if you fix the note
by pressing RETURN the sign will be filled and if you have E-3 in the track
c-1 would be played... if you play F-4 in the track and NOT-fixed D-1 in
the pList, then this would be
F-4 + D-1 (not-fixed) = G-1
F#4 + C-1 (not-fixed) = F#1
D-5 + G#3 (fixed) = G#3
D#3 + C-2 (not-fixed) = D#4
.. hope you understood the prinziple, if you play white noise, you
should always play it with a fixed A#5 and sample 4 (white noise) ...
... but you do not have to...
000 A#5 * 4 ... ...
001 ... . . ... ...
002 ... . . ... ...
note: you shouldn't play a square-wave without setting its relation
(using the 3 cmd.) if you don't have anything special in mind!!
the others cmds are explained in the instrument editor... they are mostly
working like the ones of ProTracker... if you need some help,
In the right upper area you can see the Position editor...
000 001-00 000-00 000-00 000-00
001 001-0C 000-00 000-00 000-00
002 001-00 003-00 000-00 000-00
003 002-00 004-00 007-00 000-00
004 001-00 003-02 006-00 010-00
005 002-00 005-00 006-00 011-00
^^^ this is the track to be played in this voice
^^ this is the transpose, $0C = 12, which means one octave up
$F4 =-12, which means one octave down
On the lower part of the screen you can see 4 tracks, which DO NOT
urgently have to represent the 4 voices... you can edit them how you want,
just if you play the tune the 4 tracks will represent the 4 voices...
editing goes like ProTracker, SPACE toggles editmode and stops playing,
octave selecting works with F1-F5...
Octave 3-5 represent PTs Octave 1-3 !!!
The TLen gadget keeps the value, how many steps one track has.. values
are 1-64, mostly used are 16 or 64 or something like this (take a look
at the demo tunes!!!)
Len is the length in positions, res is the restart position...
Now finally Subsongs are included in the editor.. the fileformat DIDN'T change,
as i planned to do subsongs earlier! so here we go... you have 3 gadgets:
SS Amount of subsongs
- 0 means NO subsong, only the mainsong starting at position 0
- 1 would mean 1 subsong, that is then the mainsong (subsong 0)
starting at position 0 and subsong 1 starting at the defined position.
- so you have SS+1 songs in your module, 1 mainsong startig at 0 and
SS subsongs.. hope ya got the principle!
SSN Subsong number
- Enter here the number of the subsong you want to edit. Subsong 0,
which is the mainsong CAN'T be changed and will ALWAYS start at pos 0!
SSP Song-Position of subsong SSN
- Enter here the number of the position where the subsong SSN should
So if you want to do 2 songs in one file, you will have to set SS to 1, which
means you have your mainsong + 1 subsong which makes 2 songs all together.
Subsong 0, the mainsong is unchangable set to position 0, so set SS to 1,
SSN to 1 and then enter the position where your 2nd song starts in SSP....
hope ya got it, if not->EMAIL me or just take a look at the demosong(s)...
Commands in the Track Editor are also !PROTRACKER! like:
00x: Set 1st digit for Pos.jump (xyz: x=1st, y=2nd, z=3rd digit)
1xx: Portamento Up
2xx: Portamento Down
3xx: TonePortamento (Now works corrrectly!!!)
5xx: TonePortamento+VolumeSlide
8xx: Set Timing Variable (if you want to do timing via music)
9xx: Set/Override SquareRelation (like sampleoffset in pt!)
Axx: Volume Slide
Bxx: Set 2nd and 3rd digit of Pos.jump and JUMP to that position
(use 00x and Byz to jump to position xyz... DECIMAL INPUT!)
Cxx: Set Volume (see topic Volumes)
D00: Patternbreak
ECx: NoteCut (Cut note after x frames (ticks), 1<=x<cur.tempo)
EDx: NoteDelay (Delay note x frames (ticks), 1<=x<cur.tempo)
Fxx: Set Tempo
Fixed the 3xx command, so USE it! Added the 5xx command, the same as in PT!
Added the 0xx (set positionjump's 1st digit) and the Bxx command (posjump)
!Position-parameter IS TO enter decimal! so e.g. B12 will jump to Pos 12
(decimal!) and NOT to position 18 (18 decimal, equals $12 hex!!!)...
if you want to jump to a position higher than 99, then you are to use the
command 0xx, where you can specify the 1st digit, e.g. use somewhere 002
and then later B12 and you will find yourself in pattern [2]*100+[12]=212
for the next jump the 1st digit is then afterwards being initialised to 0.
Added the 9xx command, so you can override the squarerelation, which was
usually set using 3xx in the performancelist, so you can e.g. leave out the
3xx commando in pList and set it EVERYTIME you play that instrument, so you
have the same instrument with a different sounding squarewave or you set
it to e.g. 20 and just when you want it to sound different you play the
instrument using the 9xx cmd .... you can also set it after you played the
note (if there should be a 3xx commando at the same time, the 3xx commando
will be overridden!)
Added the 8xx command, which is to use for timing... this command will set
your timing-byte to xx; you will have to clear that byte by yourself AFTER
you read it! see programmer's guide for more information...
Added the EDx command, which is to delay the current note and command in this
voice for x frames, see pt-help if you should need more info!
Added the ECx command, which will turn down the Instr.volume (C00-C40) down
to z.e.r.o., but the instrument won't stop playing, you can set the vol.
up again and then it plays again! cloned from pt (where else?!!)...
Mark/Copy/Paste/Insert now finally works in the position-editor (CTRL-BCVI)
Added the Record mode finally.
There are many volumes, so here we go....
There's the VoiceMasterVolume, the highest order volume for ONE voice.
Set this Volume using CA0 to CE0 in the PERFORMANCE-List or in the TRACKS
Use C50-C90 to set the VoiceMasterVolume for ALL 4 Voices. Needn't be in
the first voice, may appear in any voice... but in the tracks!
Then, there's the Instrument Volume, which is set in the VOLUME gadget in
the instrument editor (at the upper left corner!) and which can be over-
ridden using C00 to C40 in the PERFORMANCE-List or in the TRACKS
Further, there's a so called perfSubVolume.... when hitting an instrument,
this is set to $40 (maximum volume) and can be overridden in the
PERFORMANCE-List using C50-C90
Experiment with that, but if there should be any questions => e-mail me!!!
forget that old address of mine,
it doesn't work anymore!
-signed: dexter/abyss in 1996